Life insurance for people with ME/CFS – your experiences wanted

July 17, 2012

About 18 months ago, we put out an appeal for information about companies that are willing to provide life cover to people with ME/CFS without overweighting the premiums. At the time, the following companies were recommended: Legal and General, Aegis Insurance and Zurich.

We are now following up to see if these recommendations stand the test of time – so, if you've had experience of these companies or know of any other helpful insurers, please let us know.

We would also like to hear of any companies that were reluctant to provide cover for people with ME/CFS or who wanted to include a significant excess.

If you don't want to post your responses below, please email and we'll acknowledge your comments very quickly.

1 thought on “Life insurance for people with ME/CFS – your experiences wanted”

  1. Many years ago, when I still paid medical insurance, I was referred privately to a senior medic (in Harley Street, naturally) who conducted an in-depth examination & offered the diagnosis that I had ME/CFS.

    Presumably he sent his report to the insurance company at the same time as to my GP.

    By return of post, I received a letter from the insurer that as this was a chronic condition, they would not pay a jot for any further examination, confirmation or treatment, nor for any expense relating to any allied condition.

    If I recall correctly, they did not even pay for the consultation at which I was diagnosed.

    But then they are in the business of making money, not supporting health.

    What I find particularly offensive about their shoddy ethics is that the “chronically incurable” epithet is merely a “conventional” label – others have found alternative medical treatments to be useful, but any thought of advising me to try those, let alone funding them, went straight out of the window.

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