‘Voices from the Shadows’ to have European premiere in Norwich on 2 December

October 17, 2011

From the Norwich Evening News, 14 October 2011 (story by Kim Briscoe).

A moving documentary about people living with ME will have its European premiere in Norwich.

Voices from the Shadows tells the harrowing stories of severely ill people with the condition, and how they and their families feel they have been let down by the medical profession.

The film is being screened by charity Invest in ME, in support of its proposal to develop and fund ME research in Norwich.

Richard Simpson, from Invest in ME and who lives on the outskirts of Norwich, said: “It’s first screening in the UK will be in Norwich to help support the research facility proposal.

“The film has interviews with severely ill patients and their families, as well as clinicians.

“If someone didn’t know anything about ME then I think they would come away feeling quite moved.

“We hope it will raise awareness of what we can be doing instead.”

ME is a controversial condition within the medical profession and little is known about what causes the illness. The condition is often treated with psychiatric or behavioural management, but many patients and families remain convinced it is a physical illness.

Invest in ME says there is a dearth of biomedical research into ME, which is why it wants to fund new studies in Norwich.

The film has been made by the mother and brother of a severe ME sufferer in the Bristol area and the music for the film was written and kindly donated by Emmy-nominated composer David Poore.

It was invited to show at the prestigious Mills Valley Film Festival in California, where it had its world premiere earlier this month.

The makers are also trying to obtain a television distribution licence and are in talks with television companies. The charity also hopes to organise screenings in Europe and Australia.

The hour-long film will be shown in the Curve at The Forum on Friday, December 2.

The screening will open from 6pm, with the film starting at 6.45pm, followed by a discussion and refreshments.

Voices from the Shadows will also be shown at the British Library in London on December 7 from 5.30pm.

Invest in ME is inviting MPs, medical professionals and medical students, but interested members of the public are also welcome to buy tickets for the screening, which cost £10. More details and tickets are available from www.investinme.org

To watch a trailer of the film, log on to http://voicesfromtheshadowsfilm.co.uk/.

Do you have a story to tell about what it is like to live with ME? Contact reporter Kim Briscoe on 01603 772419 or email kim.briscoe@archant.co.uk.

The trailer is also available to watch, without the need to log in, at this website. To find it, click HERE.

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