Book your run in next year’s London Landmarks Half Marathon

Next year's London Landmarks Half Marathon will be held on Sunday, 7th April – and we're taking bookings now from people who would like to run to raise money for The ME Association.

This year we'd welcome applications from people with ME/CFS who would like to take part in their wheelchairs. The organisers say they would be happy to treat applications from a person in wheelchair and the support runner who would push them as one entry – with the support runner taking part for free.

“LLHM can offer a free guide/support to every eligible runner”, they annnounced early this year.

The organisers have one reservation about booking in wheelchair racers: “LLHM must approve every wheelchair entry, to ensure we do not exceed the number of wheelchair places that have been agreed by our stakeholders. These places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.”

The ME Association has once again bought 10 places in the race. We'll be offering places to applicants on payment of a £20 registration fee and a commitment to raise at least £350 for the charity through your own personalised page on JustGiving, which is our preferred fundraising platform.

Applications must be at least 17 years old, and be confident that they can complete this closed-roads, half marathon course within four hours of the start – when the highway authorities will reopen the roads to traffic.

We'd of course urge people with ME/CFS thinking of taking part to think carefully about the impact that the training involved and the race itself might have on their health. Please read the gentle health warning from our chairman Neil Riley, which you can find below.

If you would like to book your place in this iconic race round the built-up heart of the nation's capital, send us an email telling us – in a couple of paragraphs, no more – something about your running track record. Please email:


 For people with ME/CFS who are thinking about taking on a physical fundraising challenge, or if you are organising an event that might involve people with ME/CFS, please read this notice from Neil Riley, Chairman of the ME Association.

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