NICE Guideline > Social care

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Social care

1.6.7 Discuss sensitively with the person and their family or carers (as appropriate):

  • how social care may benefit them.
  • Explain that it can help the person living with ME/CFS as well as provide a route to support for families and carers through a formal carer's assessment.
  • Also see recommendations 1.8.5 and 1.8.6 on maintaining independence.

1.6.8 Explain to people with ME/CFS and their family or carers (as appropriate):

  • How to self-refer for a social care needs assessment from their local authority.
  • Offer to make the referral for them if they prefer.

1.6.9 Advise children and young people with moderate ME/CFS or severe or very severe ME/CFS and their parents or carers (as appropriate):

  • That they may be entitled to support from children's social care as children in need because of their disability.
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