• Medical Matters features questions asked by Members of the ME Association on health-related topics.
  • Dr Charles Shepherd and the ME Association's other advisers answer these questions by sharing their expert knowledge.
  • Medical Matters is based on the popular ‘Ask the Doctor’ series in ME Essential magazine.
  • It is a free resource that supplements the detailed information contained in the full range of literature that can be found in the website shop.

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Questions in the Category: Management

Vaccinations: Flu (Influenza) 2024-25

ME Essential Autumn 2024

Can you help me reach an informed decision about the 2024-2025 Flu vaccination?

Symptoms: Post-Exertional Malaise (PEM)

ME Essential Summer 2023

What is Post-Exertional Malaise and how can it best be managed? 

ME/CFS Specialist Services

ME Essential Winter 2022

The new NICE guideline was published a year ago. But here in Northamptonshire we still don’t have a specialist ME/CFS service where GPs can refer people for help with either diagnosis or management. And there doesn’t appear to be any formal arrangement with a referral centre anywhere else that GPs can refer people to. I think this is unacceptable. So I am going to raise this with my MP – hopefully by arranging a meeting. Do you have a brief summary of the key points that I need to make?

Management: Heart Health & ME/CFS

ME Essential Winter 2021

Can I ask what the advice is on heart health for people with ME? As most of us can’t exercise, how do we maintain a healthy cardiovascular system? Is a healthy diet enough?

The 2021 NICE Guideline ME/CFS: Regrets

ME Essential Autumn 2021

I know you feel that the new NICE guideline is a major improvement on the first one. So do I. But do you have any concerns, disappointments or disagreements on the content?

The NICE Guideline ME/CFS: Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales

ME Essential Autumn 2021

I know that the recommendations in the new NICE guideline apply to England. But what is the situation in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland where GPs often lack the necessary skills to diagnose and manage people with ME/CFS and hospital-based referral services are either poor or non-existent.

Management: Swimming

ME Essential Autumn 2020

Like some people with ME/CFS I’ve made a significant degree of improvement over a number of years. I’m fairly stable, mobile, able go for longish walks, and manage to do some part-time work. A well-intentioned friend who goes wild water swimming has suggested that I ‘give it a try’. She claims it can have all kinds of health benefits, including “resetting body clocks that have gone wrong”. She even pointed me to some research about the benefits of cold water swimming for conditions such as arthritis. I’m very open-minded about trying anything that might work. But I’m concerned that this could actually make ME/CFS worse.

Charles Shepherd

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