Health and Social Care

Health and Social Care

The ME Association is working towards a better future for those with ME/CFS and Long Covid

We are committed to working with the NHS and social care providers to improve healthcare for people with ME/CFS and Long Covid.

We believe that everyone, regardless of where they live in the UK, should have equal access to the right care and support to manage their ME/CFS with the best healthcare available.

There are around 250,000 people in England and Wales with ME/CFS and around 1.9 million with Long Covid plus thousands more who remain undiagnosed.

The Health and Social Care Pilot Project

We are dedicated to making sure that individuals have access to essential health and social care services in every region.

We will assist current services in implementing the latest NICE Guidelines. Publication of the delivery plan later this year will highlight the importance of following the guidelines

Improve the pathway between primary care providers and secondary care services to ensure individuals receive the comprehensive care they need to manage their conditions effectively.

About us

Meet the team

Russell Fleming

Head of Special Projects

Karren Winters- Cavalot

Head of Health and Social Care

Charlotte Rawlinson

Project Officer

Lucy Oddie

Project Officer

More information

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Contact the Health and Social care team

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