National Inpatient Centre for Psychological Medicine (NICPM): ME/CFS Inpatient Service

Address & Contact
Leeds General Infirmary (LGI)
Great George Street
0113 392 7140

The National Inpatient Centre for Psychological Medicine delivers biopsychosocial holistic care for people with complex medically unexplained symptoms and physical / psychological comorbidities.

The NICPM is an eight-bed specialist inpatient unit based at Leeds General Infirmary. It is a unique service which has a history over many years of delivering services within Leeds and West Yorkshire, and since 2009 has been successfully treating patients from across the UK.

Our team specialise in helping people with the following types of problems:

  • Severe and complex medically unexplained symptoms and illness.
  • Psychological difficulties affecting the management of long-term physical health conditions (physical / psychological comorbidities) at a serious level of severity.
  • Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) – we provide the inpatient care for the Leeds and West Yorkshire ME/CFS service.

Approximately half of our beds are commissioned for Leeds residents and half for people from across the UK. For Leeds residents we also provide a service for people with mixed physical and psychological difficulties which may be complicated but at a more moderate or lower level of severity.

Our aim is to help people make significant improvements to their health and quality of life. Our clinical outcomes are often very good and patient feedback is very positive as you will see in our annual reports at the end of this page.

We are proud of our highly experienced team who provide outstanding care. The professionals in our team include:

  • Liaison psychiatry doctors
  • Nurses
  • Occupational therapists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Cognitive behavioural therapists
  • Dieticians
  • Pharmacists
  • Administrators.

We have a very experienced and expert team who, between them, have a broad range of specialist training, including in general/physical medicine, mental health, physical, occupational, and cognitive behavioural therapies.

We can also draw on expertise from other teams including:

  • Medical and surgical teams within the general hospital system, across the full range of specialties
  • Psychosexual and relationship therapists.
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