Take part in the big online clinic on ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia being hosted by NHS Choices from 14 August 2013

August 1, 2013

Do you suffer from or are a carer for someone with ME, CFS or Fibromyalgia and would like to ask an expert for further advice and help? Look no further as talkhealth's clinic in collaboration with NHS Choices is the place to anonymously ask such questions.

Open between 14th-20th August we have Jessica Bavinton, Adam Eason, Wendy Green, Sarah Lawrence, Sue Luscombe, Dr Charles Shepherd, Lindsey Middlemiss, Janey Readman, Dr Caroline Grayson and Dr Chris Jenner on our medical expert panel to answer all your concerns. Post your questions here…

The charity supporters for the clinic are The ME Association, Action for M.E., Association of Young People with ME, Fibromyalgia Association UK, FibroAction and the CFS Research Foundation.

4 thoughts on “Take part in the big online clinic on ME, CFS and Fibromyalgia being hosted by NHS Choices from 14 August 2013”

  1. The only person there qualified to answer any questions about ME at all is Dr. Shepherd – and if he had any answers, I’m sure he’d have made them public a long time ago.
    Nobody else there is qualified to be there.

  2. I need to apologise for my last comment!
    The nutritionist is trained to use The Low FODMAP diet to reduce functional bowel symptoms – a new evidence-based dietary approach.

    I do not know if she is aware of the biochemistry of fructose – as she is using an “evidence-based” approach rather than a proper science-based one, but the science is that fructose is very harmful to PWME.

    Each molecule of fructose uses up a molecule of ATP to convert itself into LDL cholesterol which gets depisited around the middle.

  3. What a disgrace.

    I was really pleased to read this at first, as I have some questions that my GP cannot answer relating to some spasms and other symptoms. I thought this might be my chance to ask them.

    However I later read who would be answering these questions and apart from Dr Shepherd the line up is truly awful.

    The dietician and ME and Fibro advocates can be counted as neutral, the hypnotherapist and ‘health studies’ woman as not quite what you’d expect. But the remaining 3! A doctor, a physio and a nurse all heavily involved in the GET/CBT school of thought. The physio was involved in the PACE trial.

    Not only does this make me want to run for cover but where is the neurologist for my neurological disease to answer questions on my neurological symptoms. And why out of nine people is Dr Shepherd the only one who I would trust to answer my medical ME questions.

    I notice the clinics for other conditions have the expected and relevant experts. This is a disgrace. I’m upset that this rare event looks to be another usurping by the pyscho-school.

  4. It is indeed just more BPS garbage. I’ve been reading what’s going on.
    Very disappointed by the lack of information about the help from Vitamin B12, I take a sublingual form, and I could not cope without it. It practically cures brain-fog – at least the painful part of it, and does help considerably with cognition.
    I also would be suffering considerably more if I wasn’t taking magnesium for the night cramps.
    The reason there is no “scientific evidence” for help from supplements is that they haven’t yet been studied properly.
    Threads asking perfectly reasonable questions about the validity of CBT and GET have been locked – without an adequate response, including one from a very worried mum about her son who is being pushed into GET – to his detriment.
    “First do no harm.”? Pah!

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