Ill-informed and haphazard: Scots suffering from Long Covid warn of postcode lottery in care

April 13, 2021

From the Sunday Post in Scotland published April 11th 2021

Scots suffering Long Covid fear a postcode lottery means effective diagnosis and treatment depends on where you live and on which side of the border.

Ewan Dale

Ewan Dale, from the MEA said:

“People with Long Covid are approaching us but there is no place to send them.

“Some are being advised by GPs to exercise when evidence shows that post-viral fatigue needs rest, not exertion, to recover.

“There seems to be little ­guidance on how to treat patients. Many were not desperately ill with Covid but now have chronic symptoms worse than the virus.

“Some have long-term organ damage and need ongoing medical care, not an eventual referral to an occupational therapist.”

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