From the Bristol University, School of Social and Community Medicine web page
Lessons from the PACE trial: A trial of complex interventions for a complex condition
2 April 2014, 12.45 pm
Canynge Hall, Room LG.08
Speaker: Professor Peter White
Peter White is Professor of Psychological Medicine at Bart’s and the London. He is interested in conditions that affect both mind and body, particularly the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). His early work showed that Epstein-Barr virus infection was an immediate risk for CFS, but more recent work suggests that CFS is heterogeneous. He was the lead co-principal investigator of the PACE trial, which he will talk to during the seminar.
The PACE trial was a four arm, multi-centre, randomised controlled trial in 641 patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. The four treatments were specialist medical care (SMC), or SMC plus one of three therapies: adaptive pacing therapy (APT), cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), or graded exercise therapy (GET). The trial showed that both CBT and GET reduced both fatigue and physical disability more than either APT or SMC. This was the case in those sub-groups who also met alternative diagnostic criteria for CFS. CBT and GET were also cost effective, particularly when societal costs were considered. The results were not universally welcomed. Professor White will draw out some lessons to be learnt from this trial.
Location and contact details for Canynge Hall.
Please contact Laura for further information.