Sign up to the National ‘Wear Your PJs’ Day to raise awareness | 12 May 2013

January 22, 2013

A national ‘Wear Your PJs Day' to raise awareness and funds for the various national ME/CFS charities will be taking place on international ME Awareness Day on 12 May this year. And Lianne Sykes, who will use her day in pyjamas to raise money for the ME Association, is urging people to sign up to it.

“On this day”, writes Lianne, “we will wear our PJ's all day (9am-9pm) and ask people to sponsor us money to do so! If we need to go out, we will be allowed to wear jumpers, coat, shoes, hat, scarf, gloves as needed… but still with our PJs on!!

“If you would like to join in with us and have an excuse to wear your PJ's all day, join here:

“There is a £50 PRIZE for the person who raises the most money for charity!”

So wear your pyjamas with pride on the day! Lianne's own online fundraising page is at

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