By Helen Hyland, ME Association Fundraising Manager.
For over 3 ½ years, Neo has been a critical part of the ME Association Fundraising Office.
He’s there at my feet through all the emails, letters and phone calls – eagerly waiting with toy in mouth whenever he feels I should be taking a break or snoring loudly through all the spreadsheets – but also there, tenderly resting his chin on my knee when he senses I’ve an emotional call to take.
I know I’d struggle if he wasn’t. I know my work for ME Association would struggle if he wasn’t. He takes his role as ‘SDA’ (Senior Dog in Attendance) for the ME Association Fundraising Office very seriously.

Neo came to us as a daft puppy and has slowly wheedled his way into our hearts. He’s a huge scaredy-dog. His default position on his early walks was to plonk his bottom firmly to the floor whenever he saw anything remotely frightening – small children, puddles, the door to our local shop, runners….
As he matured, he’s grown closer to us all, and, I think, more sensitive to our needs – he’s slowly growing braver too.
He’s now got much more confidence in us – confidence that if we lead him into challenging situations, that we’ll lead him out of them too.
My family simply couldn’t imagine life without him.
Glasgow Santa Dash 2017
Neo has already done some fundraising duties – meeting other fundraisers and their dogs, and meeting other staff members too. But his first official public appearance as Fundraising Dog for The ME Association is to be at the Glasgow Santa Dash on 10th December.
He’s training hard for it – venturing into places that he’d never dreamed existed. He’s even patiently coping with all the modelling sessions for his festive outfit!
And he’s fundraising hard too – because without funds, the ME Association would not be able to do nearly so much valuable work supporting people with M.E. and their families.
Please give any pennies you can spare in support of Neo’s fundraising for The ME Association.
Thank you.