Weekend fundraising roundup: Giving their all for M.E. | 11 September 2017

September 11, 2017


By Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager.

We had fundraising events taking place across the country this last weekend. And in all kinds of weathers – from bright sunshine to downpours and stiffening winds.

But wherever they were, the determination of our fundraisers is matchless. We are so proud that they gave their all for M.E. and for the people they cared about.

Annie and running-buddy Alex Bruce.

Annie Warner was probably the ‘craziest' of them. She ran the Bacchus Half Marathon in fancy dress (pictured). The crazy race started and finished at Denbies Vineyard, near Dorking.

Annie writes: “Well  we had fun. I was known as the ‘crazy pink lady’, enjoyed 6 winestops and climbed the equivalent of 125 floors on the way. A complete stranger gave me £20.00 for the cause which I shall donate. Absolutely loved it!”

Not content with running just one race, Annie is determined that she is going to have run 40 races for The ME Association by the time she is 40 in autumn 2019.

She is running because she can. And because her husband can’t.

Chris Chaundler probably faced the hardest challenge – he swam, in pretty adverse weather conditions, the distance of 10k between Totnes and Dittisham in Devon this Sunday. He also had to contend with an injured hand, so we’ve everything crossed that he managed OK on the day.

Chris followed in his daughters’ footsteps since all his daughters completed 5k runs earlier this year. He says that it has been a very long summer of early morning training and lots of staring at the bottom of the swimming pool. And why?

Chris writes: “Well M.E. has unfortunately touched both my close family and friends. Anyone who knows someone with M.E., can testify to how tragic it is to see a fit, healthy and active person one day be literally reduced to nothing the next, where even the simplest physical task is beyond them. It's a horrible long lasting illness, which can affect sufferers for many years, even decades. It's known as the ‘living death' for good reason.” 


And were you watching the telly on Sunday morning? In the Great North Run, Keith Joyce was our runner this year. Sporting his bold purple t-shirt with a picture of his dear but departed friend, Michael Coverdale, on the back.

And last but certainly not least, is Sheena Robertson, who, not content with completing the Westminster 10k earlier this year, decided to run again in Lichfield.

She writes: “I completed my 10k in 64 minutes and 59 seconds. I was very pleased with that! The conditions were perfect for running and the course as pretty ever. Thank you for all encouragement.”

Thank you to all our wonderful fundraisers this weekend, raising funds to help people affected by M.E.


Fundraising for the ME Association
If you are interested in organising an event or fundraising activity for the ME Association, then please get in touch with Helen Hyland. Email: Helen.Hyland@meassociation.org.uk or by phone: 01280 838964.


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