Belfast Newsletter: ‘We must keep believing science will catch up with ME. There is real hope’ | 22 December 2017

Belfast Newsletter: ‘We must keep believing science will catch up with ME. There is real hope’ | 22 December 2017 Read More »

This is the fifth Christmas Paul will spend bedbound, away from his family, his partner Ciara and their son, Naoise.

He has borne this life changing illness with such strength and determination that all we can do is follow his lead and keep believing science will catch up with ME and that sufferers will finally get the care they deserve.

M.E. Advocate, Shannon Tiday, named Young Hero of the Year in Plymouth Herald’s Awards Ceremony | 07 December 2017

M.E. Advocate, Shannon Tiday, named Young Hero of the Year in Plymouth Herald’s Awards Ceremony | 07 December 2017 Read More »

Shannon Tiday hit the headlines back in September, following publication of the controversial SMILE trial that suggested M.E. could be treated by the Lightning Process. She took to Facebook to protest this association, and her poignant video went viral.

Why are we asking about migraine headaches in this month’s ME Association website survey? | 04 December 2017

Why are we asking about migraine headaches in this month’s ME Association website survey? | 04 December 2017 Read More »

Unusual headaches, including migraine, form part of ME/CFS diagnostic criteria. News last week revealed a significant breakthrough in the treatment of migraine, and we have decided to use this month’s website survey to look at migraine type headaches.

ME Association Statement: Negative phase III clinical trial result from Norway for Rituximab in ME/CFS | 27 November 2017

ME Association Statement: Negative phase III clinical trial result from Norway for Rituximab in ME/CFS | 27 November 2017 Read More »

“Despite the headline negative finding, we believe that this trial will still provide useful insights and contribute to a better understanding of M.E., and we also have the results from the Cyclophosphamide clinical trial to look forward to. We are very pleased that this knowledgeable, and valued, research team will continue with their work, trying to find answers to the M.E. puzzle.”

Understanding the neurobiology of fatigue: Professor Julia Newton ‘Standing up for fatigue’ | 16 November 2017

Understanding the neurobiology of fatigue: Professor Julia Newton ‘Standing up for fatigue’ | 16 November 2017 Read More »

The Royal Society hosted a two-day conference ‘understanding the neurobiology of fatigue’. One of the distinguished researchers was Professor Julia Newton from the University of Newcastle, who spoke about the role of autonomic dysfunction and ME/CFS.

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