Still time to comment to the 5th Annual Review of the Work Capability Assessment | 4 August 2014

August 4, 2014

There are still 12 days left to comment to the fifth – and final – Annual Review of the Work Capability Assessment (WCA) being carried out by the Government's independent reviewer, Dr Paul Litchfield.

His call for evidence' closes on August 15 – after which Dr Litchfield will write his report for the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions. The review of the WCA questionnaire which provides key data for Employment and Support Allowance decision-makers will be laid before Parliament by the end of the year.

In the call for evidence, Dr Litchfield explains what questions he would like answered. They differ for individuals and those representing organisations.

Please complete the online form. The online form is the preferred method for response.
If you are unable to use the online form, use one of the following methods: Email – or
Post – WCA Independent Review Team, 3rd Floor, Caxton House, Tothill Street, London, SW1H 9NA.
When responding, please state whether you are doing so as an individual or representing the views of an organisation. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please make it clear who the organisation represents and, where applicable, how the views of the members were assembled.
Make sure your response reaches the Department for Work and Pensions by 15 August 2014.

3 thoughts on “Still time to comment to the 5th Annual Review of the Work Capability Assessment | 4 August 2014”

  1. I couldn’t get the above link to work, but I found the form here:

    It’s in the form of set questions. The background colour is dark purple and the writing is black, so that it is nearly impossible to read…

    On the plus side, it’s a one or two page survey and doesn’t take long to complete. So, well worth attempting.

    There is one question that asks what you think of the WCA system.

    The survey sends as soon as you click the button on the bottom, giving no opportunity to re-read before sending.

  2. Thanks, Angelina – and I’ve now repaired the link to that form in the main story. And I do agree with you on the choice of background colour; it’s just wrong.

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