MEA to take part in NHS Choices online health clinic | 14-20 August 2013

July 24, 2013

The ME Association are to take part in an online ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia clinic being hosted by the ultra-busy NHS Choices website next month.

The clinic – which is expected to attract visitors in their many thousands – will run for a week from August 14 to 20.

MEA medical adviser Dr Charles Shepherd will field medical inquiries – with other experts on tap to deal with inquiries that are posted on the forum.

Other experts listed so far include Action for ME welfare rights officer Sarah Lawrence, specialist dietitian and nutrition consultant Sue Luscombe, health writer Wendy Green and hypnotherapist Adam Eason.

Email this address if you want a reminder when the online clinic is about to open.

Sue Luscombe and Dr Shepherd will join forces again on September 28 – when they will be among the panellists at an MEA ‘Question Time' in Cornwall. Details HERE.

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