Dr Max Pemberton and the Daily Telegraph: help required

October 17, 2011

In relation to our complaint to the Press Complaints Commission, The ME Association is currently responding to a second detailed submission from the Daily Telegraph.

The paper is stating that it only received two letters (one from the MEA) and no emails in response to the article by Dr Max Pemberton on Monday 29 August.

This total does not include people who emailed and commented on the online version.

At the time I was aware of a number of people who were going to email or write to the Editor of the paper.

If you did so please could you confirm on here or via meconnect@meassociation.org.uk and say whether any acknowledgement was received.


Dr Charles Shepherd

1 thought on “Dr Max Pemberton and the Daily Telegraph: help required”

  1. I am fairly certain did respond and was acknowledged but have only very recently deleted relevant email records. Wish I hadn’t!

    I attempted rebuffs of most of the recent bombardment in the press and only days ago deleted all such, including ‘automated responses’.

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