Answers to questions often asked about fundraising…
- Donating money and fundraising can seem daunting at first. We’ve compiled a list of answers to often asked questions that we hope will help.
- If you need more support, then please contact Tony Britton, Fundraising Manager for the ME Association. See the bottom of the page for details.
Q. I want to fundraise for the ME Association, where do I start?
A. Speak to Tony. Tell him what you enjoy doing and he’ll help you put together something that meets your aspirations.
Q. I have M.E. and there is no way I could run a marathon! But I desperately want to fundraise. What could I do?
A. Speak to Tony. He’s worked with many fundraisers who perhaps hold an event, or sell things they’ve made, rather than doing a physical challenge. Headshaves? Mobility scooter races? Bake sales? The options are endless and can be tailored to your abilities and interests.
Q. I do not think I could raise much money. Should I be bothering you?
A. Yes of course you should! It’s not just about the money, it’s about awareness too. Please just do what they feel they can. The more people that know about this cruel illness, the more likely people with M.E. are going to be supported properly in our communities while we work our hardest to find an effective treatment or even a cure.
Q. I have been selling handmade items. Can I gift aid my donation?
A. No. Gift aid does not apply in these situations.
Q. I want to run in the London Marathon/Great North Run. Have you got charity places?
A. No. The ME Association does not at the moment have any places in these races – but we do buy charity places in the London Landmarks Half Marathon, which usually takes place in April. We have an inquiry out see if we can buy places in future Great North Runs, an iconic half-marathon which is usually held in September,
Q. I fancy an overseas adventure. Have you got any charity places in expeditions?
A. Not as such. But we do have arrangements with charity tour companies (such as Action Challenge and Discover Adventure) for places on such challenges. Some people self-fund their expedition costs and then set their own fundraising targets. Others accept the higher fundraising targets set by the companies and accept charity places.
Q. Can I get discounts on any events if I say that I am fundraising for the ME Association?
A. Yes, if you are fit enough, you can get a discount of 15% on Nuts Challenge events. Just contact Tony for a discount code.
Q. I’m not great with computers and don’t understand online giving. Can I just use a sponsorship form instead?
A. Yes, of course you can. Online giving is just one way in which people can support a fundraiser. Many fundraisers find it handy – to let friends and family from far away support them – and they like the fact that they don’t have to go around everyone collecting money after the event. But it’s how you feel that matters, so if you want a sponsorship form, just ask Tony.
Q. I want to organise a raffle. Can you help me please?
A. Yes. Tony can let you have a letter of authority to show to potential prize donors, and will also help you with any necessary permissions.
Q. Do I need permission to hold a raffle?
A. If you are selling tickets on the day and drawing it there and then, probably not. But otherwise, do please talk to Tony about licences and permissions you might need to get.
Q. I’d like to organise a collection at my local supermarket. Can you help me please?
A. Yes, we can help with any necessary permissions, identity badges, information leaflets, and collection tins. Just ask Tony.
Q. I was thinking about setting up a Crowd-Fund page. Should I?
A. We would prefer it if you set up a fundraising page through JustGiving. You will find the ME Association’s special area at the JustGiving website. We are a relatively small charity and if you use this platform instead, you will be helping us to minimise administration costs, rather than spreading our resources more thinly across several different platforms.
Help and Support
We're here to help you – every step of the way!

“Just do what you can, where you can, and have some fun at the same time. We will be here to support you, every step of the way!”
Tony Britton, our Fundraising Manager, will work with you to help ensure your event is the very best it can be – with ideas, moral support and those essential fundraising supplies for your event.
Just download our fundraising supplies leaflet, decide what you would like to help support your event, and email over your requirements.
You can contact Tony by email, tel: 01406 371318 or mob: 07946 760 811.
The ME Association
Please support our vital work
We are a national charity working hard to make the UK a better place for people whose lives have been devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.

If you would like to support our efforts and ensure we are able to inform, support, advocate and invest in biomedical research, then please donate today.
Just click the image opposite or visit our JustGiving page for one-off donations or to establish a regular payment. You can even establish your own fundraising event.
Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive ME Essential – quite simply the best M.E. magazine!
ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279
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