‘Guardian’ journalist wants to sit in on your ESA medical. Can you help?

March 1, 2011

From the Dear England blog, 25 February 2011.

Amelia Gentleman wrote a wonderful article in the Guardian on 23rd Feb about the governments attempts to get rid of disability benefits, this journalist has been the recipient of a “ Amnesty International Press Award” and rather amusingly is married to ”Boris Johnson’s” younger brother Jo Johnson who is a conservative politician, don’t hold this against her.

She is looking for people who are willing to allow her to go along to a ESA assessment, I for one think this is a good idea as it would open up the assessment to outside eyes, I’m sure the DWP will have something to say about this If you tell them a journalist is going to accompany you but I seriously believe it would help rather than hinder your case.

If you wish to contact her then please email her directly –


I would just like to add that I believe she has attended one WCA/Work capability assessment.

If you have any luck then please let us know, good luck anyway….

Atos Values

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2 thoughts on “‘Guardian’ journalist wants to sit in on your ESA medical. Can you help?”

  1. It almost makes me wish I had an ESA medical to go to! Does she have to say she is a journalist? The claimant has a right to be accompanied and the person who accompanies her has a right to make notes but, I was told at my last WCA, not to film or use recording devices.

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