Last call for GP surgery nominations | MEA ‘Telling the Truth about M.E.’ campaign

March 26, 2013

It’s time to add your GP surgery details to our ‘Telling GPs the Truth about ME’ campaign, which will be ready to roll out during ME Awareness Week in May. This is the last call for nominations.

If you want your GP to receive a copy of our clinical guidance booklet “ME/CFS/PVFS: an Exploration of the Key Clinical Issues” – and 1900 people so far have told us that they do – please send details of your surgery to our Publicity Manager, email: or text: 07516 656 537

A well-supported Christmas fundraising Appeal bought in over £9,000 which will let us tackle this GP education project with gusto. At a rough guess, this will buy up to 4,000 copies of the booklet.

A fully revised edition of the booklet is being prepared for the campaign. The authors are MEA medical adviser, Dr Charles Shepherd, and consultant neurologist Dr Abhijit Chaudhuri, who works at the Queens Hospital, Romford, Essex.

So, please, if you think your GP needs educating about ME/CFS or Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome (and the differences between them), let us know. Email or text 07516 656 537.

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