A branch of one of the country’s oldest friendly societies, The Independent Order of Oddfellows, have been opening their hearts and their wallets to us in the past year.
Fenland Lodge of The Oddfellows made us their Charity of the Year and yesterday (18th February) they presented us with a magnificent cheque for £1,528,50.

Branch chairman Andrew Dunham, who farms arable land near March, had nominated us as his charity during his term of office as his partner, Theresa Duggan, has suffered from M.E. for some years. She has recently taken time off from work as a school special needs assistant to recover from an M.E. crash.
The presentation took place at Manea Village Hall in the Lodge’s heartland of Cambridgeshire, flat country criss-crossed by dykes with long, rambling and frequently pot-holed roads.
Mr Dunham spoke about the social programme that he had offered the 250 members of the Lodge in the past year. As the lodge had emerged from the shadow of the pandemic and social distancing, he’d upheld its tradition of passing round the charity box on each occasion.
There had been visits to places like the Prickwillow Museum pumping station, an open afternoon at a big exhibition of vintage farm machinery, lunches out, teas, 50s music by Chrissie Cadillac at March Exchange and a trip to Kings Lynn to enjoy music by The Oddfellows’ very own brass band.
He thanked everyone for rallying round in support.
On hand to receive the cheque was MEA fundraiser Tony Britton who commented: “What a lovely bunch of people you are. And you’ve done us proud; thanks so much!”
If you would like to join this exceptional group of people, please email: Claire-Streater@oddfellows.co.uk
Pictured in the main photo are, from the left: Sister Sandra Coxell (incoming Provincial Deputy Grand Master), Brother Andrew Dunham (Provincial Grand Master) with Sister Theresa Duggan, Provincial Deputy Grand Master Brother Neil Cook and Provincial Secretary Sister Claire Streater.
Proud people with a long heritage of helping members in need or down on their luck – they have extensive welfare benefits programmes in place. Locally, a place to enjoy other people’s company.
Nationally, they seek to enhance their prestige with projects like paying for the lifeboats at the RNLI station at Sheringham on the north Norfolk coast. And my favourite: they keep an award-winning brass band from Leicestershire on the road.

Tony Britton
Senior Fundraising Volunteer, The ME Association
tony.britton@meassociation.org.uk Mob: 07393 805566