IMAGE DESCRIPTION: A burgundy background with an image from our library of Real ME images (i.e Real people with ME) with a circular image saying 'My Story'. The title reads: Severe ME Week 2023 7th -13th August

Severe ME Week 2023: A parent’s perspective

Given the vast numbers of patients throughout the U.K. with severe ME/CFS, it is scandalous that Leeds is the only Inpatient unit …with currently only 8 beds I believe ….in the whole country.

Parent of a 32 yr old with Severe ME

Severe ME Story

My husband and I, care for our 32 yr old daughter who has had severe ME for 4 and a half years. We are in our 60's and fortunately in good general health, and do not yet consider ourselves elderly – however, the role is taking a toll on us and our daughter. Like others, our loss is enormous.

Our daughter is on the waiting list for the National Inpatient Centre for Psychological Medicine (N.I.C.P.M) in Leeds, and hopefully will be admitted in the next couple of months. This is after 2 years of attempts until our daughter's G.P. secured funding for the admission from our local Clinical commissioning group (CCG). Unfortunately, the waiting list is so long, the N I.C.P.M have temporarily closed the waiting list for those outside of Leeds commissioning area, as of December 2022.

We are hopeful about the Leeds input and outcome for our daughter. We have been in touch with someone discharged over a year ago, who is now doing well. He was able to understand the link between the psychological and physical factors, and the need therefore for holistic treatment which addresses both.

Given the vast numbers of patients throughout the U.K. with severe ME/CFS, it is scandalous that Leeds is the only Inpatient unit …with currently only 8 beds I believe ….in the whole country.

N.B. The featured image is taken from our library of Real ME images (i.e. Real people with ME)

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For people affected by ME/CFS/PVFS and Long Covid

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