Raising funds in the worlds toughest mountain race

Simon takes on ‘world’s toughest’ mountain race on September 5

Simon Malley is taking on what has been billed as the toughest mountain race in the world – while very generously donating all his takings to the ME Association.

The race is called The Dragon's Back because it goes down the mountainous spine of Wales from Conwy to Cardiff . It starts on 5th September and, in readiness for it, the 44-year-old from south Wales has now called a halt to all his training.

For a man more used to running on firm paths since picking the triathlon as his sport of choice when he was in his 30s, training has seen him being really out of his comfort zone.

He's faced all the terrors of the Dragons Back. The mountain passes. Narrow ridges with steep drops either side.  The loss of a footing when he's accidentally stuck his foot in a rabbit hole hidden by tussocks of grass.

His feet and ankles carry the scars.  Now he has literally done all he can – short of actually taking part in the six-day event against 400 other competitors. It's said that a third of all entrants pull out of the race before they reach the finish.

Simon has picked the MEA above all other causes because his kid sister, mother-of-three Danielle, who lives on The Wirral, has been struggling with M.E. for the past few years.

He can't be any more ready!

“I'm really proud of him. The whole family are.” said Danielle (40).

“When I suggested he do something easier to raise money for the MEA, he said ‘No. That's not a good enough. I'm know I'm never going to do anything like this ever again.  

“This has to be really hard so I'm up for the same kind of challenges that people with M.E.  I'm facing those challenges, the extreme fatigue, for just six days. You face extremely  tough challenges every day of your lives for years.”

Simon is asking supporters to join him by putting money into his fundraising account from the button below.

Could you be that person to donate to this challenge?


 For people with ME/CFS who are thinking about taking on a physical fundraising challenge, or if you are organising an event that might involve people with ME/CFS, please read this notice from Neil Riley, Chairman of the ME Association.

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