Gordon shows Sir Tom Hunter’s Kiltwalkers the way!

It could be your turn to wear the tartan with pride and raise money for the ME Association – if you, your family and friends enter one of Scotland's Kiltwalks this year.

Gordon Jackson will show you exactly how it can be done when he releases his latest video this Saturday (28th May) to mark the exact day last year when he began his 500-mile walk through Scotland for us.

The 52-year-old from south Ayrshire has already been recorded singing The Proclaimers' famous marching song ‘I would walk 500 miles' at Dunure Castle, a 14th century ruin which sits brooding on a headland overlooking a small harbour not too far from his home.

Gordon completed his walk from the Mull of Galloway lighthouse to the lighthouse at Dunnet Head just north of John O'Groat's last month.

It's raised a stonking £5,000-plus for us and he's now set his jaunty tam o'shanter at raising lots more. He will show you how to walk the trail with grit, determination and a smile on your face. Look out for the video in your social media from Saturday.

We're now asking other Scots to respond to Gordon's shout out for freedom by entering one of Sir Tom Hunter's Kiltwalks this year.

The Glasgow Kiltwalk is already done and dusted. But today you can still sign up to the Aberdeen Kiltwalk on 29th May (yes really! The link page on their website is still open), the Dundee event on 21st August and a Kiltwalk in the nation's capital of Edinburgh on 18th September.

The Moran family from the north east of Scotland, who have also raised thousands for us over the years, are pictured after completing one of the Kiltwalks for us in 2019.

The big thing about The Kiltwalk is that for every pound you raise for charity the Tom Hunter Foundation will make it worth £1.50. They top up every charity donation by 50%.

And the Kiltwalk team have mapped out walks to suit every age group. There's a Mighty Stride roughly equivalent to a marathon walk, a Big Stroll (think of walking 10k or half marathon) or a Wee Wander for the little ones.

Rise up you Bravehearts – please – and help the ME Association hold up its head with pride well into the future.!


 For people with ME/CFS who are thinking about taking on a physical fundraising challenge, or if you are organising an event that might involve people with ME/CFS, please read this notice from Neil Riley, Chairman of the ME Association.

Tony Britton
Senior Fundraising Volunteer, The ME Association
tony.britton@meassociation.org.uk Mob: 07393 805566

Tony Britton
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