By Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.
Quite an alarming title. But if you’ve lived with or around M.E. you will surely have felt like shouting it, or something similar, at one time or another – perhaps at the top of your voice, regardless of who could hear you, or what they might think.
Screw M.E. – is a Facebook-based support group that reaches over 800 people with first- or second-hand experience of M.E. It aims to share advice and help give a general sense of optimism and hope to sufferers through posts, blogs, and podcasts, over the course of each year.
Screw M.E. and the annual ‘Screw M.E. Market’ – a special online auction that will take place on Sunday 5th November from 12.30pm – is the brainchild of Jennifer Chittick who has been suffering with severe M.E. for around 8 years – during which time she has largely been stuck in bed. She first launched Screw M.E. Market on an unsuspecting public 3 years ago.
She writes: “I set up the Screw M.E. Facebook group to connect and hopefully support others dealing with this illness. The whole idea is to create as uplifting an environment and community as possible where people feel safe and comfortable (personally, some M.E pages and sites terrified me – especially in my early days with M.E.).

“Three years ago, tired of feeling ‘useless’, I decided to try and organise a fundraising event via the page to see if I could raise any money – our running total so far is over £1200 for M.E Research UK and the M.E Association.
“The Market, and Screw M.E in general, have really helped me cope with my M.E. I now feel like I have a purpose and the supportive community surrounding Screw M.E has blown me away. I can't wait to see how much we raise this year!”
At the ME Association we are really excited about this year’s Screw M.E. Market – especially having had a sneak preview of what’s going to be for sale. Clothing, smellies, artwork, craftwork, hand-made cards, and Screw M.E. bracelets – made by ME Association Marketplace’s own Liz Rush.

If it’s anything like last year, this year's auction will be THE place to start your Christmas shopping!
Jennifer tells us that supportive Facebook and Etsy businesses have kindly donated well over 60 items towards the auction.
So please set your watches and alarms so that you’re ready to bid as soon as you can after 12.30pm on Sunday 5th November – which is when all the fun of the Third Annual Screw M.E Market will begin!
Visit and Take Part in the 2017 Screw M.E. Market Auction