New MEA Guide: How to manage at university with M.E. | 25 September 2017

September 25, 2017


The following guide has been written by Pippa Stacey and is now available as a download from our online shop.

Pippa, who has M.E., recently graduated from the University of York with an honours degree in BSc Psychology in Education. She also runs her own social enterprise called Spoonie Survival Kits, and writes about life with M.E for various publications, including her own blog.

‘Leaving home and heading off to university can be a daunting time for any person, particularly for those with a fluctuating condition such as M.E.

‘Arranging ways of working, studying and taking exams and assessments in high school give some reparation for moving on to a further education course, but there are often many new considerations to be assessed and coped with.

‘So – prior to taking a course – it is important to investigate more fully what is involved in (i) getting through the teaching, tutorials, producing the work, and assessments, and (ii) managing to live on your own.

‘Planning how to manage time, energy and money in some detail can help to get through all the new situations that are likely to be faced.'

The leaflet goes on to talk about the things you might need to consider when choosing a university as a disabled student, accommodation when at university, and how to apply for support to help ensure you can effectively participate in your chosen course.

Financial support is a key consideration for any student, but perhaps more so for someone with M.E., and Pippa also takes you through the various benefits that are available.

‘Studying whilst living with M.E is a remarkable achievement, and going to university can be incredibly rewarding.

‘Whilst you may be concerned that some of these suggestions may initially identify you as ‘different’ to your peers, it’s important to remember that they’re there to place you on a more even playing field with everybody else.

‘By obtaining the support you’re entitled to, you’ll be better equipped to embark on an enjoyable and memorable university experience.'

To download a copy of this new leaflet, please visit our online shop.



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