It’s ME Awareness Day – with special thanks to everyone who is Going Blue for ME | 12 May 2017

May 12, 2017

Good luck – and thank you to all our wonderful BLUE fundraisers.

The drive, determination and imagination of our amazing fundraisers never, ever fails to amaze us. And never more so than in ME Awareness Week. Today, 12th May is when most of our BLUE events kick off.

There will be
– blue faces,
– blue wigs,
– blue onesies,
– blue pyjamas,
– blue cakes,
– blue nails,
– and even a blue ribbon around a lamb’s neck…..

You can follow, and support, many of their madcap adventures by checking our fundraising campaign page

Why are they doing this? Either because they have M.E. or someone very special to them has it. And they want their lives to get better. They want to be believed, to be understood, and, ultimately, to be cured.

We want them to get better too. And only by working together are we going to get there.

A huge thank you to everyone who is raising awareness or funds, or both, this week for M.E.

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