Can you help with a face-to-face interview for this student project? | 12 January 2015

January 7, 2016

Emma Myers, who is completing her BSc degree in psychology with the Open University, is looking for two people who have had M.E. for at least five years to participate in a face-to-face interview about their experiences of living with the illness. Volunteers should live in Cambridgeshire or Bedfordshire.

Emma is working on a student project which aims to show how long-term illness can affect an indidivual's feelings towards their own body. She would like to carry out the interviews at the end of January or beginning of February,

Emma has had M.E. herself for the past nine years.

She writes: “Participants will be asked to attend an individual face-to-face interview with me in a convenient location for them, potentially a local library meeting room. The interview will last around 1 to 1 1/2 hours, which will include a project introduction, the formal tape recorded part of the interview (30 mins), and time afterward for debrief and any follow up questions.

“Any information discussed will be confidential, with any personal details removed, so that the participant cannot be identified. The transcript from the interview will be used within a report as part of my degree work and will be sent to my university tutor for marking.”

If you would like to help with this project, please email Emma at

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