Rosanna gives up something special to raise money for the ME Association | Eastern Daily Press | 17 November 2015

November 17, 2015

From the Eastern Daily Press, 17 November 2015 (Story by Polly Grice, Beccles and Bungay reporter).


Rosanna Knowles wanted to raise money for the charity supporting her as she lives with M.E. But, being unable to do any of the traditional, active fundraising activities, she was at a loss over how to help.

So she decided to have a sponsored haircut for the ME Association, and donate some of her long hair to The Little Princess Trust, which makes wigs for children with cancer.

Miss Knowles was diagnosed with M.E. a year ago and said: “This has totally transformed my life.

“I am unable to do many of the things I used to do but, throughout the process, the ME Association has been invaluable to me.

“For some time I have been wondering how I can raise money when my health will often not allow me to leave the house, let alone run a marathon or any of the more active fundraising ideas.

“So I settled on my biggest ever haircut, which will happen on November 24.

“I liked this idea as I can also donate my hair – helping two charities in one.”

Not only will her haircut help two worthy causes, but it will also give Miss Knowles something to focus on.

“I hate being restricted by this horrible illness, and was always a very busy person prior to falling ill,” she said.

“I like to keep busy when I amble, and it iso important for me, and anyone who is ill, to have a focus.”

Miss Knowles hopes to raise £1,000 for the ME Association and is almost half way to reaching her target before the haircut later this month.

To sponsor her, visit or send a donation via text to 70070 by texting ROKN60 £amount

The story also appeared earlier in the week in the Beccles and Bungay Journal

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