All-Party Parliamentary Group on ME | now officially re-registered | 8 July 2015

July 8, 2015

The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on M.E. has been officially re-registered following the inaugural election of officers on Wednesday 1 July at the House of Lords.

The Countess of Mar was re-elected and new officers were elected for the remaining positions. The named Officers of the APPG are now:

Chair: Sir Peter Bottomley MP
Co-Chair: Countess of Mar
Vice-Chair: Mark Tami MP
Secretary: Jacob Rees-Mogg MP

The APPG on M.E. aims to improve the lives of people with M.E. by working collaboratively to stimulate greater understanding and awareness of the illness and tackling key policy areas to improve outcomes for people affected by M.E.

The group will now be listed in the official Register of All-Party Parliamentary Groups and consists of backbench Members of the Houses of Commons and Lords. Although it does not have any formal powers, it plays an important role in drawing the attention of MPs, Ministers and Lords to M.E. related issues.

Thank you to everyone who encouraged their newly elected (or re-elected) MP to join.

4 thoughts on “All-Party Parliamentary Group on ME | now officially re-registered | 8 July 2015”

  1. That’s very good news and I have received a very interesting and ‘interested’ letter from my own MP this morning, inviting me to go and see him for a face to face conversation regarding the letter I sent to him on this matter.

    Thank you to all

    1. Hi Ann Snap! I’m reading your correspondence with Rishi Sunak at this very moment and was halfway through your email when the emailer did a whoopsie and took me here instead! That’s presience for you! The machines must have read my mind!

  2. I am thrilled beyond belief to see Jacob Rees-Mogg name on this list. I wrote to him, along with several other MP’s of different parties in my area, just one time, in connection with a national ME related issue, several years ago. His was the only office that did not send a reply! So, great news to see his name up there today.

  3. These machines have minds of their own Tony!! That’s what I find anyway!

    Well done Jackie

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