NICE are looking for a patient or carer to help develop a quality standard for IBS | 31 March 2015

March 31, 2015

NICE is looking for a lay person to join a committee that is developing a new quality standard on IBS. More information below if anyone with IBS or a carer is interested:

Dear Colleague,

You should have already received notification that we are recruiting for a patient or carer member to join a NICE committee developing a quality standard on Irritable bowel syndrome. I am just getting in touch to remind you of the closing date for this recruitment – 5pm on Tuesday 7 April.

Full details of the recruitment can be found here on our website, which include links to the paperwork needed to apply for the role as well as details of the attendance fee and expenses we are able to cover for our lay members. If you know anyone who is suitable for the role, or are able to promote this vacancy through your communication channels, I would be most grateful.

NICE really values the contribution that patients, service users, carers and those who advocate for them make to the guidance that we produce – without it, our work could not be relevant for the people most directly affected by our guidance.

If you, or anyone you might let know about this vacancy has any queries about this lay member position, please do get in touch – my contact details are below.

Best wishes,

Jess Fielding
Public Involvement Adviser, Public Involvement Programme
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence,
Level 1A, City Tower, Piccadilly Plaza, Manchester M1 4BT Tel: +44 (0) 161 219 3889

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