Graphic home video of Jessica Taylor’s first steps in nine years shown on BBC News South East | 5 August 2014

August 6, 2014

Jessica Taylor, the young Kent woman who recently took her first three steps after suffering from ME for nine years, was featured on BBC News South East last night (August 5).

Dramatic home video taken at the Burrswood Hospital in Kent shows how intensive therapy there has helped Jessica find her feet once again after being bed bound for so long.

Jessica had obtained obtained NHS funding for a 16-week stay at Burrswood earlier this year.

Her story was also told in graphic detail in both the Daily Express and the Daily Mail last week.

Watch the BBC South East film HERE, which will be available on the BBC iPlayer for the next seven days. The interviews with Jessica and staff at Burrswood start at 13.55 minutes in.

If the BBC iPlayer link is no longer available – perhaps because you are reading this after 12 August, when it expires – please view the recording HERE (a YouTube made by someone pointing a camera at a TV screen).

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