Minutes of the AGM of the All Party Parliamentary Group on ME | 4 July 2012

August 17, 2012

A presentation on studies into Severe M.E. to the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on ME at Westminster had been due to take place on 4 July 2012. But it was a day when the House of Commons was in tumult about the latest banking crisis revelations and the chairman took the decision to postpone the presentations because she felt too few parliamentarians would either turn up for the meeting or have the time to stay the full course.

Instead, the APPG held a short Annual General Meeting in order to meet its obligations to be able continue in existence for a further year.

These are the Minutes of the meeting:

Meeting held Wednesday 4th July 2012 at 2pm, Committee Room 17, House of Commons


Annette Brooke MP
Russell Brown MP
Simon Wright MP
Martin Vickers MP
Adrian Sanders MP
Jo Swinson MP

Dr Charles Shepherd (MEA)
Tristana Rodriguez (Action for M.E.)

Parliamentary office representatives:
Olivia Phoenix (Office of Peter Luff MP)

Robert Smith MP
Dame Anne Begg MP
Sir Roger Gale MP
Mark Garnier MP
Nicholas Soames MP
Oliver Heald MP
Kelvin Hopkins MP
Lord Puttnam
Grahame Morris, M.P.
Karen Lumley MP

1. Welcome by the Chair

2. AGM
Office holders were elected as follows:
Chair: Annette Brooke MP
Vice-chairs: Countess of Mar
Ian Swales MP
Secretary: Russell Brown MP
Martin Vickers MP gave his apologies and announced that due to other commitments he would be standing down as treasurer. Martin was thanked for his support to the APPG.
(Post meeting note: – The treasurer post does not need to be filled in order for the Group to remain properly constituted. No funds are managed by this Group.)

3. Date of next meeting
To be confirmed. The Chair proposes a meeting of the Officers after the Summer recess to discuss future work.
The Chair called the meeting to a close.

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