Women’s stories wanted for book about ME and the menopause

August 3, 2011

A writer with M.E. wants to receive women's stories for a book she is planning about the effects of menopause on the illness and the way M.E. can change the lives of whole families.

Gina Bailey is looking for volunteers who would be prepared to complete a questionnaire or send their personal stories by email. Identities will be kept confidential unless volunteers tell her that they have no objection to full disclosure.

Gina, a clinical hypnotherapist from Bridlington in East Yorkshire, has had the illness for 12 years.

She commented: “There's very little literature on this subject and, having recently started early menopause myself, this is a subject that I'm passionate about.

“I have not approached any publishers regarding this project as I felt the first step is to try and obtain many more personal stories, to pull together the information and gauge what type of length etc I am looking at.

“Initially my idea is to publish this as an ebook and then approach publishers or consider self-publishing. In contacting you I am hoping to be able to contact other sufferer who may be kind enough to provide their experiences.”

If you would like to be sent a questionnaire or to tell Gina your story in your own words, please email her at gina.bailey1@btinternet.com

1 thought on “Women’s stories wanted for book about ME and the menopause”

  1. I had my uterus removed 14 years ago and my GP says I won’t know if I’m going through the menopause unless I have a blood test. I asked him what advantage there would be in my knowing and he said, ‘None,’ so I haven’t bothered. I am 51 so it may be a few years off anyway.

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