A comprehensive list of published research on ME/CFS and Long Covid
The Index contains published research studies and selected key documents and articles, listed by subject matter, on myalgic encephalomyelitis, myalgic encephalopathy, and/or chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and Long Covid. It is searchable and will match research titles, the authors of the papers and the journals which published the paper.
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Research Categories
The categories listed below show the number of papers in brackets which will be revealed when the category is clicked
- Jones A et al2021European Journal of Health Psychology
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- Mackay A and Tate WP2018International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology.
- O'Leary D2020Medicine Humanities 46 (4): e4.
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- Xu J et al2018RSC, Analyst, 144 (3): 913-920.Funded by the ME Association
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- Azcue, N et al. et al2022Journal of Translational Medicine 20: 569.
- Azcue, N et al. et al2022Journal of Translational Medicine 20: 569.
- Thapaliya K et al2023Frontiers in Neuroscience 17: 1125208
- Komalasari R2024Clinical Practice and Post-Infection Care for COVID-19 Patients: 207-227
- Hohberger B et al2021Frontiers in Medicine (Lausanne) 8: 754667.
- Jensen M et al2023Biochemistry 2023
- Chronic Fatigue and Postexertional Malaise in People Living with Long COVID: An Observational Study.Twomey R et al2022Physical Therapy : pzac005.
- Nikitina AJ and Levin OS2021Korsakova 121 (10. Vyp. 2): 92-98. [Article in Russian.]
- Mirfazeli FS et al2022Neurological Science
- Malcolm RS2021BMJ 374: n1863.
- Mantovani E et al2021Journal of Neurovirology 27 (4): 631-637.
- Alme T et al2023Scandinavian journal of Primary health care
- Al-Hakeim HK et al2023Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (2): 511.
- Al-Hakeim HK et al2023Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (2): 511.
- Bornstein SR et al2021Molecular Psychiatry 27 (1): 34-37.
- McCarthy MJ2022Brain , Behavior, & Immunity & Health 20: 100412.
- McCarthy MJ2022Brain , Behavior, & Immunity & Health 20: 100412.
- Tokumasu K et al2022Medicina 58: 850.
- Murga I et al2021Frontiers in Psychiatry 12 :735784.
- Chee YJ et al2022Journal of Medical Virology [Epub ahead of print].
- Feroz Kabir M et al2023Chelonian Research Foundation
- Marks DF2023Biomedicines 11(1): 180.
- Bansal R et al2021Journal of Clinical Translational & Endocrinology :100284. [Epub ahead of print.]
- Wostyn P (2021)2021Medical Hypotheses 146: 110469.
- COVID-19 and post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: A narrative review.Poenaru S et al2021Therapeutic advances in infectious disease 8: 20499361211009385.
- Jason LA et al2021Biomedicine, Health & Behavior
- Jason LA et al2021Biomedicine, Health & Behavior
- Patterson BK, et al2022ResearchSquare [Preprint].
- Chang GA and Figueredo ANT2023ResearchGate [Preprint].
- Jason L et al2023Fatigue: Biomedicine Health and Behavior
- Fischer S et al2023Psychosomatic medicine
- Azcue N et al2023Journal of Translational Medicine
- Azcue N et al2023Research Square
- Ziaja, CP et al.2022Journal of the Neurological Sciences 455: 121241
- Liu Z et al2022Medicine 101(46): e31450.
- Adambaev Z et al2023BIO Web Conferences
- Haffke M et al2022Journal of Translational Medicine 20:138.
- Xu SW et al2022Acta Pharmacologica Sinica [Epub ahead of print].
- Sfera A et al2021Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 15: 673217.
- Shelton AG2023Lynchburg Journal of Medical Science 5 (1).
- Ruiz -Pablos M2023Journal of translational medicine
- Yue L et al2023Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
- Breach J, et al et al2022Physiotherapy 114 (1 E178): 145.
- De Mello Gindri I, et al2023American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Hwang JH et al2023J Transl Med.
- Cornelissen MEB, et al.2024Journal of Translational Medicine 22: 191
- Pollack B et al2023Frontiers in Medicine
- Mohabbat et al2020Mayo Clinic Proceedings Innovations Quality and Outcomes 4 (6): 764-766.
- Scheibenbogen C et al2023Frontiers in Medicine
- Gole M2023Psychologie in Österreich 4&5: 353 [Article in German]
- Bizjak DA, et al.2024International Jounral of Molecular Science 25: 1675
- Taylor K et al2022Journal of Translational Medicine
- Tziastoudi M et al2022Annals of Clinicial and Translational Neurology.
- Salari N et al2022BioPsychoSocial Medicine 16: 21.
- Minotti C, et al.2024EClinicalMedicine 68: 102436
- Kjellberg A et al2022BMJ Open 12: e061870.
- Mrakic-Sposta S et al2023Metabolites 2023
- Kjellberg A et al2022ResearchSquare [Preprint].
- Robbins et al2021Clinical Medicine 21 (6): e629-e632.
- Zilberman-Itskovich S et al2022Scientific Reports 12: 11252.
- Bhaiyat, A.M et al2022Med. Case Rep. 16, 80.
- Carnac T2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions 1: 36-43
- Iyer V2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions 1: 44-48
- Sanders EC2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions 1: 21-29
- Mazewski M2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions1: 13-20
- Gill A, et al.2021Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health: 100720
- Peppercorn K et al2023Scientific Reports 13: 22068
- Levine PH et al2022Journal of Clinical Images and Medical Case Reports 3 (1): 1681.
- Komaroff AL and Lipkin WI2021Trends in Molecular Medicine 27 (9): 895-906.
- Al-Jassas HK et al2021Journal of Affective Disorders : S0165-0327(21)01123-X. [Epub ahead of print.]
- Vink M and Vink-Niese2022Healthcare : 10 : 392.
- Soejima Y et al. et al2022Medicina 58 (4): 536.
- Aly MA and Saber HG2021International Journal of Clinical Practice 75 (12): e14886.
- Strain D et al2023British Journal of Healthcare Management
- Hunt J et al2022Journal of Health Psychology
- Chambers P2023Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine
- Chaudhuri A, et al.2023Journal of Neurological Sciences 455: 121133
- Hadanny A, et al.2024Scientific Reports 14 (1): 3604.
- Morrow AK et al2022Current Paediatric Reports
- Morrow AK et al2022Current Paediatric Reports
- Retornaz F et al2022Journal of Translational Medicine 20: 429.
- Shaheen N and Shaheen A2022Medicine 101 (45): e31819.
- Tamariz L, et al.2024Clinical therapeutics: S0149-2918(24)00003-1 [Epub ahead of print]
- Al-Hadrawi DS et al2022Acta Neuropsychiatrica :1-12 [Epub ahead of print].
- Maes M et al2022International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (16): 10362.
- Leonard JA and Dorri JA2023Neurology International 15 (1): 1-11.
- Shahbaz SSS, et al.2024Frontiers in Immunology 15
- Mantle D, et al.2024International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25 (1): 574
- AlMuhaissen S et al2023Current Medical Research and opinion
- Bonilla H et al2022medRxiv 2022.08.03.22278363 [Preprint].
- Ryabkova VA et al2022Diagnostics 13 (1): 66.
- Kusama Y et al2022Pediatrics International 64: e14976.
- Ludwig B et al. et al2023Neurologist [Article in German]
- Manysheva K et al2022Psychiatria Danubina 34 (8):189-190.
- Xu W et al2023International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (3): 2437.
- Singh J et al2022International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (4): 3477.
- Stein E et al2023Journal of Clinical Medicine
- Jackson S2022European journal of health communication
- Vernon SD et al2022Frontiers in Medicine 9: 917019.
- van Campen CMC and Visser FC2022Healthcare 10 (10): 2058.
- Peo L et al2023European journal of pediatrics
- Hayes LD2023The American Journal of Medicine, 2023
- McLaughlin M et al2023The American Journal of Medicine
- Yamamoto Y et al2022Journal of the Endocrine Society
- Tackey C et al2023Canadian Journal of Pain
- González-Hermosillo JA et al2021Brain Science 11: 760.
- Ray A et al2021International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 6 (3): 472.
- Holder KG et al. et al2022Journal of Investigative Medicine 70 (2): 475.
- Hannestad U et al2023Frontiers in Medicine
- Renz-Polster H and Scheibenbogen C.2022Innere Medizin 63 (8): 830-839. [Article in German.]
- Sana-Hayes N et al2023The American Journal of Medicine
- Gottschalk, CG et al2023Infectious Agents and Cancer 18 : 7.
- Simani L et al2021Journal of Neurovirology 27 (1): 154-159.
- McGarrigle W,J, et al.2024Journal of Health Psychology: 0 (0)
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- Paul BD et al2021Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America 118 (34): e2024358118.
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- Wood E et al2020Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine 7 (1): 14-26.
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- Arāja D et al2021Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Section B- Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences 75(6): 411-416.
- Arāja D et al2021Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (14): 3017.
- Ryabkova VA, et al.2024Pathophysiology 31 (1): 1-17
- Weigel B et al2023Population Medicine
- Thomas M2022International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (18): 11662.
- Grabowska A et al2023Frontiers in Public Health
- Grabowska A et al2023Research Gate
- Kell DB and Pretorius E2022The Biochemical Journal 479 (16): 1653-1708.
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- Nehme M et al2022Journal of general internal medicine.
- Berardi G et al2022The Journal of Pain 23 (3): 47.
- Berardi G et al2022The Journal of Pain 23 (3): 47.
- Comhaire F2022MedLife Clinics Volume 4 (2): 1043.
- Comhaire F2022MedLife Clinics - Volume 4 (2): 1043.
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- Tate W et al2023International journal of molecular science
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- Al-Hakeim H et al2023Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience
- Mirin AA et al2022Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behaviour.
- Mancini DM et al2021JACC: Heart Failure 9 (12): 927-937.
- Yamamoto Y et al2023Journal of clinical medicine
- Jason L et al2023Brain Behavior and Immunity Integrative
- Komaroff AL and Bateman L.2021Frontiers in Medicine (Lausanne) 7: 606824.
Biomedical research and mechanisms (8)
- Thapaliya K et al2023Frontiers in Neuroscience 17: 1125208
- Ruiz -Pablos M2023Journal of translational medicine
- Yue L et al2023Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
- Mrakic-Sposta S et al2023Metabolites 2023
- Shahbaz SSS, et al.2024Frontiers in Immunology 15
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- Azcue N et al2023Research Square
- Hwang JH et al2023J Transl Med.
- Mohabbat et al2020Mayo Clinic Proceedings Innovations Quality and Outcomes 4 (6): 764-766.
- Peppercorn K et al2023Scientific Reports 13: 22068
- Jackson S2022European journal of health communication
- McLaughlin M et al2023The American Journal of Medicine
- Yamamoto Y et al2022Journal of the Endocrine Society
- Sana-Hayes N et al2023The American Journal of Medicine
- Simani L et al2021Journal of Neurovirology 27 (1): 154-159.
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- Carnac T2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions 1: 36-43
- Iyer V2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions 1: 44-48
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- Peppercorn K et al2023Scientific Reports 13: 22068
- Chaudhuri A, et al.2023Journal of Neurological Sciences 455: 121133
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- Lv Y et al2022Frontiers in Immunology 13: 952987.
- Azcue, N et al. et al2022Journal of Translational Medicine 20: 569.
- Mirfazeli FS et al2022Neurological Science
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- Mantovani E et al2021Journal of Neurovirology 27 (4): 631-637.
- McCarthy MJ2022Brain , Behavior, & Immunity & Health 20: 100412.
- Tokumasu K et al2022Medicina 58: 850.
- Murga I et al2021Frontiers in Psychiatry 12 :735784.
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- COVID-19 and post-infectious myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome: A narrative review.Poenaru S et al2021Therapeutic advances in infectious disease 8: 20499361211009385.
- Jason LA et al2021Biomedicine, Health & Behavior
- Ziaja, CP et al.2022Journal of the Neurological Sciences 455: 121241
- Cornelissen MEB, et al.2024Journal of Translational Medicine 22: 191
- Gole M2023Psychologie in Österreich 4&5: 353 [Article in German]
- Bizjak DA, et al.2024International Jounral of Molecular Science 25: 1675
- Salari N et al2022BioPsychoSocial Medicine 16: 21.
- Minotti C, et al.2024EClinicalMedicine 68: 102436
- Peppercorn K et al2023Scientific Reports 13: 22068
- Komaroff AL and Lipkin WI2021Trends in Molecular Medicine 27 (9): 895-906.
- Aly MA and Saber HG2021International Journal of Clinical Practice 75 (12): e14886.
- Hunt J et al2022Journal of Health Psychology
- Chaudhuri A, et al.2023Journal of Neurological Sciences 455: 121133
- Morrow AK et al2022Current Paediatric Reports
- Retornaz F et al2022Journal of Translational Medicine 20: 429.
- Leonard JA and Dorri JA2023Neurology International 15 (1): 1-11.
- Shahbaz SSS, et al.2024Frontiers in Immunology 15
- Bonilla H et al2022medRxiv 2022.08.03.22278363 [Preprint].
- Ryabkova VA et al2022Diagnostics 13 (1): 66.
- Kusama Y et al2022Pediatrics International 64: e14976.
- Ludwig B et al. et al2023Neurologist [Article in German]
- van Campen CMC and Visser FC2022Healthcare 10 (10): 2058.
- Hayes LD2023The American Journal of Medicine, 2023
- González-Hermosillo JA et al2021Brain Science 11: 760.
- Ray A et al2021International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research 6 (3): 472.
- McGarrigle W,J, et al.2024Journal of Health Psychology: 0 (0)
- Paul BD et al2021Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America 118 (34): e2024358118.
- Paffrath A, et al.2024medRxiv [Preprint]
- Arāja D et al2021Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Section B- Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences 75(6): 411-416.
- Arāja D et al2021Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (14): 3017.
- Ryabkova VA, et al.2024Pathophysiology 31 (1): 1-17
- Weigel B et al2023Population Medicine
- Thomas M2022International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (18): 11662.
- Nehme M et al2022Journal of general internal medicine.
- Berardi G et al2022The Journal of Pain 23 (3): 47.
- Walker MOM et al2022Medical Research Archives 10 (9).
- Yamamoto Y et al2023Journal of clinical medicine
- Komaroff AL and Bateman L.2021Frontiers in Medicine (Lausanne) 7: 606824.
Gene expression (5)
- Fischer S et al2023Psychosomatic medicine
- De Mello Gindri I, et al2023American Journal of Physiology, Endocrinology and Metabolism
- Tziastoudi M et al2022Annals of Clinicial and Translational Neurology.
General reviews of illness mechanisms (5)
- Wostyn P (2021)2021Medical Hypotheses 146: 110469.
- Scheibenbogen C et al2023Frontiers in Medicine
- Gottschalk, CG et al2023Infectious Agents and Cancer 18 : 7.
- Wood E et al2020Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine 7 (1): 14-26.
Immunology (7)
- Walker MOM et al2023Medical Research Archives 11 (7.1)
- Neto SB,F et al.2023Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
- Al-Hakeim HK et al2023Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (2): 511.
- Ruiz -Pablos M2023Journal of translational medicine
- Grabowska A et al2023Research Gate
Microclots (3)
- Ruiz -Pablos M2023Journal of translational medicine
- Kell DB and Pretorius E2022The Biochemical Journal 479 (16): 1653-1708.
Miscellaneous (7)
- Mazewski M2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions1: 13-20
- Al-Jassas HK et al2021Journal of Affective Disorders : S0165-0327(21)01123-X. [Epub ahead of print.]
- Shaheen N and Shaheen A2022Medicine 101 (45): e31819.
- Holder KG et al. et al2022Journal of Investigative Medicine 70 (2): 475.
- Paul BD et al2021Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the Unites States of America 118 (34): e2024358118.
- Comhaire F2022MedLife Clinics Volume 4 (2): 1043.
Predictors (5)
- Chang GA and Figueredo ANT2023ResearchGate [Preprint].
- Carnac T2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions 1: 36-43
- Mazewski M2023Patient-Generated Hypotheses Journal for Long COVID & Associated Conditions1: 13-20
- Al-Hadrawi DS et al2022Acta Neuropsychiatrica :1-12 [Epub ahead of print].
- Arāja D et al2021Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Section B- Natural, Exact, and Applied Sciences 75(6): 411-416.
Prevalence (3)
- Nehme M et al2022Journal of general internal medicine.
- Mirin AA et al2022Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behaviour.
Prognosis and quality of life (6)
- Peppercorn K et al2023Scientific Reports 13: 22068
- Maes M et al2022International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (16): 10362.
- Hayes LD2023The American Journal of Medicine, 2023
- Sana-Hayes N et al2023The American Journal of Medicine
- Paffrath A, et al.2024medRxiv [Preprint]
- Weigel B et al2023Population Medicine
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- Sanal-Hayes M et al2023Journal of Translational Medicine 21 (1): 720
- Buntić N, et al.2024Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior, 12:1, 72-90
- Azcue, N et al. et al2022Journal of Translational Medicine 20: 569.
- Chronic Fatigue and Postexertional Malaise in People Living with Long COVID: An Observational Study.Twomey R et al2022Physical Therapy : pzac005.
- Al-Hakeim HK et al2023Journal of Clinical Medicine 12 (2): 511.
- McCarthy MJ2022Brain , Behavior, & Immunity & Health 20: 100412.
- Feroz Kabir M et al2023Chelonian Research Foundation
- Jason LA et al2021Biomedicine, Health & Behavior
- Jason L et al2023Fatigue: Biomedicine Health and Behavior
- Azcue N et al2023Journal of Translational Medicine
- Ziaja, CP et al.2022Journal of the Neurological Sciences 455: 121241
- Cornelissen MEB, et al.2024Journal of Translational Medicine 22: 191
- Scheibenbogen C et al2023Frontiers in Medicine
- Gole M2023Psychologie in Österreich 4&5: 353 [Article in German]
- Minotti C, et al.2024EClinicalMedicine 68: 102436
- Peppercorn K et al2023Scientific Reports 13: 22068
- Chaudhuri A, et al.2023Journal of Neurological Sciences 455: 121133
- Morrow AK et al2022Current Paediatric Reports
- AlMuhaissen S et al2023Current Medical Research and opinion
- Jackson S2022European journal of health communication
- Vernon SD et al2022Frontiers in Medicine 9: 917019.
- Yamamoto Y et al2022Journal of the Endocrine Society
- Renz-Polster H and Scheibenbogen C.2022Innere Medizin 63 (8): 830-839. [Article in German.]
- Sana-Hayes N et al2023The American Journal of Medicine
- Paffrath A, et al.2024medRxiv [Preprint]
- Ryabkova VA, et al.2024Pathophysiology 31 (1): 1-17
- Weigel B et al2023Population Medicine
- Berardi G et al2022The Journal of Pain 23 (3): 47.
- Tate W et al2023International journal of molecular science
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- McManimen SL et al2016Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior 4 (4): 195-206.
- Fruhstorfer C, et al.2024Canadian family physician 70 (1): 41-47
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- Cairns R and Hotopf M2005Occupational Medicine 55(1): 20-31.
- Jensen M et al2023Biochemistry 2023
- Stevelink S et al2021Occupational Medicine 72 (3): 177-183.
- Devendorf AR et al2017Disability and Rehabilitation 5: 1-8.
- Adambaev Z et al2023BIO Web Conferences
- Stormorken E et al2017BMC Public Health 17 (1): 952.
- Ghali A et al2022Diagnostics 12 (10): 2540.
- Sharpe M et al1992BMJ 305(6846): 147-152.
- Josev EK et al2021Journal of clinical medicine 10 (16): 3603
- Said H et al2023meRrIxv Preprint
- Vink M and Vink-Niese2022Healthcare : 10 : 392.
- Hiremath S et al2022International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (20): 13608.
- Thomas et al2019Journal of Health and Medical Sciences 2 (2): 167-178.
- Wiebe E and Kelly M2023Canadian Family Physician
- Friedberg F et al2022Psychosomatic Medicine: 10.1097/PSY.0000000000001082.
- Bombardier CH and Buchwald D1995Archives of Internal Medicine 155(19): 2105-2110.
- Devendorf A et al2020Chronic Illness 16 (4): 307-321.
- Vercoulen JH et al1996Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 60(5): 489-494.
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- Sommerfelt K2023Preprints.org
- Gotaas ME, et al2023Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior.
- Pasin T et al2023Northern clinics of Istanbul
- Oter-Quintana C et al2021Enfermeria Clinica (English Edition) 31 (3): 198-199. (Article in Spanish.)
- Brenna E et al2021Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) 57 (3): 300.
- Wiedbusch E and Jason LA2022Archives of Community Medicine 4 (1): 59-63.
- Weigel B et al2022Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 81 (OCE3): E80.
- Jones B et al2023Fatigue: Biomedicine, Health & Behavior.
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- Kingdon C et al2018Pharmacoecon Open 2 (4): 381-392
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- Winger A et al2015Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 13: 96.
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- Said H et al2023meRrIxv Preprint
- Conroy K et al2021Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland) 9 (2): 106.
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- Khalafbeigi M et al2023Irish Journal of Occupational Therapy, 2023
- Bartlett C et al2021Journal of Occupational Therapy May 2021.
- Wiebe E and Kelly M2023Canadian Family Physician
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- Brittain E et al2021Medicina (Kaunas, Lithuania) 57 (1): 43.
- Komaroff AL2021Healthcare 2021, 9: 919.
- Lepkowska D2020British Journal of Child Health
- Strand EB et al2018Scandinavian Journal of pain 19 (1): 61-72
- Fruhstorfer C, et al.2024Canadian family physician 70 (1): 41-47
- Hayes LD2023The American Journal of Medicine, 2023
- van Campen CM et al2020Journal of Translational Medicine 18 (1): 228.
- Obermoser et al2023Metabolites
- Bileviciute-Ljungar I et al2020Journal of Rehabilitation 52: 6.
- Schweitzer R et al1995Social Science & Medicine 41(10): 1367-1372.
- Kroll C2021AMA Journal of Ethics 23 (7): E537-541.
- Araja D et al2021Journal of Clinical Medicine 10 (14): 3017.
- Cheshire A et al2021Qualitative Health Research 31 (2): 298-308.
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- Pheby D and Saffron L2009Biology and Medicine 1(4): 50-74.Funded by the ME Association
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