NHS specialist services for ME/CFS/Long Covid

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The NICE Rapid Guideline on Long Covid was last updated 25 January 2024. It has not yet been completed because the evidence-base is still evolving. The Guideline on ME/CFS is more comprehensive and is something that the ME Association helped to create and strongly recommends. We hope the Guideline on Long Covid will be just as helpful in due course.

With the publication of the evidence-based NICE Clinical Guideline on ME/CFS in October 2021, many existing ME/CFS specialist services are in the process of making improvements that will see the Guideline's recommendations implemented, and this might mean that their websites are inaccurate

We are aware that no specialist services are available in Northern Ireland and Scotland and that people in these countries are more reliant on primary and community care services which are not ideal. We will continue to apply pressure in these areas to develop appropriate service provision.

We are working with the NHS and social care providers to ensure existing ME/CFS services are improved and new services commissioned where none currently exist in accordance with the Guideline’s recommendations and local demand.

We are working with the Department of Health and Social Care on a Delivery Plan that we hope will see ME/CFS raised as a health and social care priority and further support implementation of the Guideline’s recommendations across the whole of the UK.
Please note
While patients can contact any of the existing NHS specialist services or clinics for information, referrals for assessment, diagnosis, help with coping and management, must be made by a GP.
If there isn't an NHS specialist service or clinic in a particular area a patient can be referred to one of their choosing (under the NHS Constitution), and would need to speak to a GP in the first instance.
- The impact that travelling to a service and taking part in regular management sessions could have on health.
- Once diagnosed, many specialist services and clinics will offer up to 6 or more sessions where a patient can learn how best to cope and manage their ME/CFS or Long Covid.
- Not all services or clinics are currently able to provide remote access, so please check what will be involved and how accessible the appointments are, before making any commitment or travel plans.
If you find any of the information contained in this listing to be inaccurate, then please let us know: