Fundraising for The ME Association
Important Notice

We love our fundraisers. You are amazing and the way you give your time and energy to raising money for our charity never ceases to amaze. Without you the ME Association could not provide the support, the information or the research funding that it does.
You all come in different sizes. You come with mild, moderate and severe illness and the ingenious ways in which you raise money vary hugely. Tea parties, skydiving, knitathons, climbing hills and mountains. If it can be done, then you do it.
Some of you join well organised events. The organisers invariably take great care of your health and safety but always you have to think carefully before you take part. Can I do it without over-exertion? Will I have a bad relapse?
At the ME Association we believe the decision you make in choosing the event that you feel you can manage is down to you. You have a good idea what you can manage, after all you live with that body of yours every day. Who better to know? But, as always, your health is paramount to us and we want you to take the utmost care.
If you become involved organising a fundraising event, then you are not just looking after your own health but have to think about others taking part. It’s something that we consider very carefully before embarking on a fundraising project. Please consider:
- that if the event includes people with ME/CFS you need to think carefully about the form of activity that might be involved.
- that some activities may cause an exacerbation or relapse in symptoms, which is the last thing anyone wants to happen.
- that any invitation to take part in a fundraising event should contain a reminder of the danger.
- that the event should not involve any products that could be harmful to someone with ME/CFS or involve unproven treatments for ME/CFS.
Do remember that you can contact our Senior Fundraising Consultant, Tony Britton, for help and support: or by phone: 07393 805566.
Thank you for reading, and best wishes for your fundraising endeavours.
Neil Riley
Chairman of Trustees, The ME Association

Neil Riley, Chairman of the Trustees.