The Dialogues for a neglected illness (Dialogues for ME/CFS) website has another excellent video charting the recent history of the illness and how it has been poorly treated. The video is titled “The Tangled Story of ME/CFS – Controversy, Ignorance and Denigration”.
The video is 71 minutes long and contains numerous interviews and is split into 6 chapters:
Chapter 1 – ME: the Story Begins
Chapter 2 – ME is rebranded as a psychogenic illness: chronic fatigue syndrome (9.41.)
Chapter 3 – A confusing medley of names and definitions undermines research efforts ( 23.01 )
Chapter 4 – The widespread and pernicious impact of a careerist psychiatric lobby (29.51)
Chapter 5 – The devastating failure of the medical profession (53.33)
Chapter 6 – Fundamental Systemic Injustice (1.04.15)
Hard to believe that patients with ME have been treated so poorly for decades, but they have, and the stirring story of their resilience and unwillingness to be forgotten is brilliantly portrayed in these videos. If you really want to know about the most serious health challenge facing our planet, one that still has not been recognized, be sure to watch these videos and then demand the change that is so desperately needed.”
LEONARD JASON, PH.D.Professor of Psychology. Director, Center for Community Research, DePaul University, Chicago.
Dialogues for a neglected illness (Dialogues for ME/CFS) is a project made possible by an award from the Wellcome Public Engagement Fund.(Sept 2018 – Sept 2021). ME/CFS was originally called benign myalgic encephalomyelitis during an epidemic in the mid 1950s.