Belfast landmark (and three others) to be lit up blue for this year’s ME Awareness Day | 12 May 2014

March 25, 2014

Belfast City Hall will be picked out in blue lights on May 12 this year – to mark International ME Awareness Day.

The change in lighting was suggested by ME Support NI, whose chairman Antoinette Christie commented on their Facebook page:

“We would like to thank Sinn Fein Councillor Steven Corr for all of his help in taking this forward for ME and to the Belfast City Council for their support.”

The matter was agreed by the city council last week.

Antoinette told us she was “absolutely delighted”.

ME groups in Northern Ireland have got into the habit of persuading the local authorities to light up important public buildings in a similar way. On May 12 last year, Newry and Mourne ME/FMS Support Group asked for an important railway viaduct in their area to be highlighted in blue.

HOT OFF THE PRESS (26 March)! Mrs Joan McParland from the Newry and Mourne ME/CFS Support Group has told us that her group has persuaded the local authorities to light up three more buildings in blue on May 12. They will be Newry City Hall, Newry Arts Centre and BessbrookTown Hall. “That's four for Northern Ireland so far – with, hopefully, more to come.”

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