The latest video in Dr Charles Shepherd’s YouTube gallery – thanks to the Dutch ME/CFS Group |20 May 2014

May 20, 2014


A gallery of short videos featuring professional short talks by MEA medical adviser Dr Charles Shepherd have been put out by the Dutch ME organisation, ME/CVS Vereniging. The organisation have obtained funding from the government of The Netherlands for a special information project aimed at getting information about this often-misunderstood illness over to patients.

The latest and last video featuring Dr Shepherd was released yesterday. It shows our medical adviser discussing “the current state of affairs in ME/CFS”. All the videos can be viewed by switching on the YouTube videos below.

A series of six videos that feature our paediatric medical adviser, Dr Nigel Speight, have already been released in the same series. These can be viewed by following this link and then selecting those you want to

The videos were filmed on location at Dr Shepherd's home in Gloucestershire during one of the hottest days of last summer.

From June 3, ME/CVS Vereniging will introduce another speaker for their series of short videos when they release two videos featuring Professor Julia Newton, from Newcastle University. We shall post these on the MEA website as well.


1 thought on “The latest video in Dr Charles Shepherd’s YouTube gallery – thanks to the Dutch ME/CFS Group |20 May 2014”

  1. Thank you for these videos. This has finally given me an understanding of what is and is not happening regarding research but also it has brought together all the info I try and read but cannot manage due to the severity this illness has on me. Now I have a clearer understanding of this illness, the research and findings, and everything else surrounding this illness. The short video format are great which is so necessary for me as I am one of those that has been severely affected which means I cannot take in huge amount of information. I think it would be great if this type of communication can continue, to let us know what is happening, new information, new research and so forth explained clearer and in basic language because no matter how educated or intelligent you are if your severely affected by this illness it is almost impossible to take in information and be able to process it. Thank you so much.

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