FT: Long recovery from Long Covid

Why Long Covid rehab must be very, very slow

The Financial Times reports that returning to work after Long Covid can be a long and uncertain process and employers need to be prepared to support people through this difficult period.


The article focuses on Judith who was unable to work after contracting Long Covid and was only able to return to work after 6 months with the help of an occupational health specialist familiar with chronic fatigue.

There is an estimate from the Office of National Statistics that about 2 million people have Long Covid – that is defined by people who are still have symptoms after four weeks.

The article emphasises the importance of phased return to work, a gradual increase in hours and working from home where possible.

It is common for Doctors to see people whose symptoms have flared up after returning to work too soon.

Reference is made to the lessons learnt from ME/CFS where pacing is vital to avoid overexertion and also to deal with everyone individually based on their symptoms.

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