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BBC News: Exeter firm excited over long Covid test

An Exeter-based research firm has developed what it believes is a “world first” breakthrough test to help confirm the existence of long Covid in some patients

By Richard Green


Attomarker, which specialises in health diagnostic technologies, said it could now divide long Covid patients into three cohorts.

Prof Andrew Shaw, from the firm, said it could be done “via a simple finger prick test sent through the mail”.

Prof David Strain, a virologist and advisor to Parliament on health issues, said the firm was “right to be excited” but also struck a note of caution.

Attomarker said of those tested 60% showed a poor quantity and quality of antibodies in response to the Covid variant encountered, which can be treated via immunotherapies and vaccines.

Just because there is a test, it doesn't mean it should be rolled out across the board.

This test has produced great results in a handful of case studies. This needs to be translated into a bigger trial to determine if it can direct management [of Long Covid] and when we are at that stage, we then have a programme which is ready to be adopted by the whole of the NHS.

Prof David Strain

MEA Comment

As with ME/CFS a number of research groups are trying to find biomarkers in the blood that can form a diagnostic blood test for Long Covid.

And while these results are clearly interesting they need to be subjected to rigorous assessment to make sure they are both sensitive (ie positive in a very high percentage of people with Long Covid) and specific to Long Covid (ie not present in any other medical conditions with similar symptoms), and the results published in a reputable medical journal, before any firm conclusions can be made.

From the information provided it is therefore premature to infer that a diagnostic blood test for Long Covid could soon be available.

Dr Charles Shepherd,
Trustee and Hon. Medical Adviser to the ME Association,
Member of the 2018-2021 NICE guideline on ME/CFS committee,
Member of the 2002 Chief Medical Officer's Working Group on ME/CFS

Charles Shepherd
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