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VuMedi: Dr Shepherd talks about the overlaps between Long Covid and ME/CFS in a video aimed at healthcare professionals

VuMedi (where the video features) describes the platform as “a video education platform for doctors. Over 450,000 doctors use VuMedi to improve patient care and grow their practice.”

VuMedi Video

Dr Charles Shepherd, Honorary Medical Adviser to the ME Association was offered the chance to provide a video for the VuMedi site due to his expert knowledge and years of experience surrounding ME/CFS.

In this video, he explains the important clinical and pathological overlaps between ME/CFS and Long Covid and provides information relating to current research into both conditions.

For further information, please see the ME Association booklet: Long Covid and ME/CFS – Are they the same condition?

IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of a person of colour laying in bed representing having Long Covid. With an overlay of the booklet cover (bottom left) and the ME Association logo (bottom right).

Watch the video on the ME Association's YouTube channel

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