Scientific Meeting Report – BMJ Journals: Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome and pregnancy: a mixed-methods systematic review
The MEA Ramsay Research Fund is now funding Dr Emma Slack and colleagues to carry out a research study into pregnancy and ME/CFS
This pilot study is an essential first step in this research. It will begin in July 2023, will take 2 years to complete, and will cost £30,000. It aims to highlight:
- research priorities for people with ME/CFS and their health care providers in relation to ME/CFS and pregnancy,
- to explore experiences, attitudes, knowledge, and perceptions around ME/CFS and pregnancy,
- pregnancy decision making in both people with ME/CFS who could become/have been or are pregnant and healthcare professionals (health visitors, midwives, and doctors),
- and to investigate what information is currently collected in routine practice relating to ME/CFS and pregnancy and how this could inform our future research plans.
The MEA information leaflet on pregnancy and ME/CFS:
Dr Charles Shepherd,
Trustee and Hon. Medical Adviser to the ME Association,
Member of the 2018-2021 NICE guideline on ME/CFS committee,
Member of the 2002 Chief Medical Officer's Working Group on ME/CFS