A few media outlets are reporting that the DWP have sent out an email to the DWP stakeholders group confirming that PIP assessments will be delayed by up to 12 months owing to backlogs in the system.
“From 6 September, we will automatically be extending existing PIP claims awaiting review by up to 12 months and will do this 35 days before their end date.
“The longer extension provides greater certainty for claimants and in particular, helps with continuing to access other support, for example a Blue Badge.
“At present, awards awaiting review have a three month extension, repeated as needed, 28 days before their end date and people can request a letter confirming this and stating their continuing entitlement.”
The DWP will also be sending out letters from the end of October confirming the length of the extended award.
More can be read on the Disability Rights UK website, The Daily Record, Benefits and Work website and a reference is also present on this Government website. These details have not, as yet, been added to the DWP website