Work the Magic Numbers or Go Blue 4 ME. Help us make it to the other side! | 25 April 2020

April 25, 2020

Tony Britton, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.

Hang on to your hats, it’s going to be a fast ride! The ME Association’s 2.6 Challenge starts tomorrow (Sunday), finishes at the end of next week and here’s the low-down on how you can get involved.

Think of something you can do to help your charity get through the coronavirus crisis. Work out how it can be moulded into anything to do with the magic numbers 2.6, 26, or even 260 and launch your fundraising challenge.

If you’ve got a challenge, but you haven’t quite got the numbers, then we can still offer you the perfect solution. Come join us in our #GoBlue4ME event, which is aimed at ME Awareness Week from Monday, 11th May.

Whatever option you choose, your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Play the Numbers on Sunday 26th April

This is an event put together by the creators of some of the biggest mass participation events in the world and it begins tomorrow – the day the 26-mile London Marathon should have been held.

It’s a fun event and we are asking you to dream up an activity based round those numbers – the dafter the better – and then fundraise for us next week.

You can join in the event by visiting the official 2.6 Challenge website and/or by making a donation to the ME Association. JustGiving have waived all their fees for the event.


Here’s the sort of challenges that are already proving popular:

  • knit a scarf measuring 2.6 metres
  • catch up with 26 people you’ve not spoken to or emailed for years
  • do Pilates stretches for 26 minutes
  • walk 2.6 km – or even just 26 steps – around your house
  • if you’re well enough, stand on one leg for 2.6 minutes
  • host a quiz on Zoom with 26 questions
  • draw a series of self-portraits – one in 2.6 seconds, 2.6 minutes and 26 minutes
  • spot 26 different birds flying in the sky
  • count 26 different animals in your back garden
  • learn to count to 26 in a different language
  • draw 26 rainbows to hang in your window

Don't forget to tell people what you're doing on your fundraising page.

Local Landmarks 2.6 Challenge

If you are active enough, you might like even like to take part in the Local Landmarks 2.6 Challenge.

Work the magic numbers into one of their walks, jogs or runs round landmarks in your neighbourhood, send in a picture or Strava trace afterwards and you qualify for one of their exclusive medals.

The 2.6 Challenge is open to anyone of any age, The main requirements are that your activity must follow the Government guidelines on social distancing, and you must stay local. Video everything, take selfies and load them up to your fundraising page.

ME Awareness Week #GoBlue4ME

The ME Association’s annual fundraising extravaganza from Monday 11th to Sunday 17th May is back on – with a vengeance! 

After the lockdown a month ago when Go Blue events tumbled like tenpins, many people have got used to living quieter lives at home and are now working out how to help their charity through to better times.

Just yesterday, we heard about two more amazing events:

Scaling Everest

Jackie Phillips and her daughter will be climbing 3,871 flights of stairs at their Surrey home. Why? Well that, and the 58,070 steps involved, is the height of Everest, the world’s highest mountain.

And once they’ve planted a metaphorical flag on their top landing, all the money raised will be coming to the ME Association. We’ll add a link to their fundraising page as soon as they have established base camp.

Swimming the channel

Dawn and Graham Brown are already swimming 21 miles across the English Channel – in the swimming pool at Tillington House, the Christian-based retreat centre they run at Burnham-on-Sea, Somerset..

Their daughter Charlotte who has M.E. is counting all 2,834 lengths. Their fundraising is already under way and Facebook are waiving all fees for the event. Visit their fundraising page for more information. Please try and support them if you can.

Other events are once again now also stacking up nicely.

Blue Sunday Tea Party

ME Awareness Week will end on 17th May with Anna Redshaw’s iconic Blue Sunday Tea Party – with virtual participation from around the globe.

Please support Anna’s efforts by visiting her fundraising page. It’s time to polish up your best china and eat plenty of cake!

If you need help and support then contact Tony Britton, Fundraising Manager. Telephone: 01406 370293 or 07946 760811 or Email.

Whatever you choose to do, big or small, we are incredibly grateful for your efforts. Thank you!

The ME Association

Please support our vital work

We are a national charity working hard to make the UK a better place for people whose lives have been devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.

If you would like to support our efforts and ensure we are able to inform, support, advocate and invest in biomedical research, then please donate today.

Just click the image opposite or visit our JustGiving page for one-off donations or to establish a regular payment. You can even establish your own fundraising event.

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive ME Essential – quite simply the best M.E. magazine!

ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279

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