Wanted – help with survey on long-term use of prescription medicines | 30 July 2015

July 30, 2015

Adults in the UK who take prescription medicines for their long-term illnesses are being invited to take part in an online survey which is attempting to find out how long-term medication affects their lives and outlook on life.

The questionnaire – a follow-up to one launched at the end of 2013 by four student pharmacists at the Medway School of Pharmacy in Kent – is attempting to fill in some gaps in the earlier questionnaire.

“The findings will support the Medicines Optimisation agenda developed by the Royal Pharmaceutical Society”, commented PhD student Barbra Katusiime. “I’m asking you to support our study in a small way.”

The Royal Pharmaceutical Society initiative is supporting an NHS call for safer but optimised use of medicines in order to improve the prescribing, dispensing, administering and taking of medicine.

The new survey – being supervised by Prof Janet Krska at the Medway School of Pharmacy – can be found HERE.

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