‘Boy from Halifax’s year long wait for ME treatment’ | ITV Calendar News | 14 July 2014

July 16, 2015

From ITV Calendar news programme, 14 July 2015.

A mum from Halifax says she has been let down by the NHS after a year-long wait to get her son referred to a specialist for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – or ME.

Robert Hawkins can no longer go to school, see his friends or play sport after being struck down by the condition, which has completely changed his life.

He has now got a referral to an expert in Manchester, but is still waiting on a date for an appointment.

Helen Steel reports:


1 thought on “‘Boy from Halifax’s year long wait for ME treatment’ | ITV Calendar News | 14 July 2014”

  1. How brave you’ve been Robert to let people know about your illness. Thank you and well done.

    Mum and you should be very proud to let people know.

    I do hope that you are receiving lots of appropriate help now.

    We sufferers are always grateful for people highlighting the problems encountered with ME/CFS.

    Very best wishes
    Ann x

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