Volunteer participants wanted for PhD research into ME/CFS diagnosis | Sheffield University | 3 March 2015

March 3, 2015

A PhD student at Sheffield University, Natalie Wotherspoon, is looking for volunteers to help her with her research into the diagnosis of ME/CFS. Natalie has a relative with the illness and was misdiagnosed with M.E. several years ago.

She writes:

“The research involves an interview lasting no more than an hour where questions around the experience of being diagnosed with ME/CFS will be asked. Depending on the participant's location, the interview will be face-to-face or over the telephone. Face-to-face interviews can be arranged in London, Suffolk or Sheffield. It is also possible to split the interview up into smaller time slots and the interviewee can stop the interview at any time.

“Participants will be aged 18-65, based in the UK and will have received a diagnosis by a doctor in the UK.

“If you would like more information and might be interested in taking part, please contact Natalie on nwotherspoon1@sheffield.ac.uk

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