Pledging for our UK ME/CFS Biobank Appeal continues until end of today (October 31)

October 30, 2014

Biobank handout copy

The deadline for the receipt of pledges to our online Christmas Appeal to safeguard the future of the UK ME/CFS Biobank has been extended to October 31.

So far 81 people have promised to put a total of £17,380 in the matched funding pot for the appeal – which will open for public giving at 10am on December 4. Now, if we can get closer to the pledging target of £25,000, we have a chance to make the appeal even more successful.

Could you offer us such a pledge – which could be for as little as £100 – and do so by the end of October! Please come online to do so today by completing the form at

We shan’t actually be asking for your money until the New Year, after the appeal has closed.

Pledges will be matched pound-for-pound during the public-giving part of the campaign and then quite possibly doubled by the appeal's Charity Champion (Candis magazine) – if donors can be online by 10am on the three opening days of the appeal. The appeal will run for a fortnight from Thursday, December 4.

We could end up by close of play on December 17 with the full £100,000 – money that's vital to secure the future of the UK ME/CFS Biobank.

For more details about why we’ve chosen to raise money for the UK ME/CFS Biobank this year, please click HERE.

To watch a 3-minute video about the Biobank Appeal, please click HERE.

And if you’d like to make your pledge now, the link to the pledging form is HERE.

The UK ME/CFS Biobank website is HERE.

Thank you… from the bottom of our hearts. We shall be providing regular updates and fresh information about this important challenge.

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